Thursday, June 6, 2013

What's happenin'?????

Well, there's this:

Fourteen baby chicks are now living in the garage under the heat lamp... Aren't they the cutest things????

And then there's this!!!

Meet "Jeter" our 9 week old GoldenDoodle puppy!

So far all shoes are reported safe but one Wave Petunia met its end.... Naughty puppy! Stay out of the flowers!!!  :)

And then there's this:

The Laman's Second Chance, a beautiful love story that Romantic Times rated "Compelling Read" and a wonderful tribute to breast cancer survivors and the author's friend....

Is on sale at, Barnes& and Christian Book Distributors! Also, it's still in stock at many Christian book stores... and I'm delighted with the beautiful testimonies readers have shared with me. You bless me with your confidences... My heart is in better shape for having talked with so many of you!

And my new favorite video for Make My Life An Alleluia (Ruth Elaine Schram) is HERE!!!!

And each day, to quell my somewhat smart aleck attitude I try to remind myself of this beautiful piece of music... to make my life an Alleluia...

To smile instead of frown.

To praise more... and complain less!!!!

Bless youse! May God shelter you, hold you, and shed his light and love on you and your families... who can be unhappy with the light of Christ shining through their eyes???


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